Eagle Overlook Recovery for Adolescents provides addiction treatment for teens as well as treatment for other mental health concerns.

Where Does Trust Fit Into Recovery?

Sometimes, the most difficult people to trust are those we love. If you have a family member who’s recently needed treatment for a Substance Use Disorder, it can be particularly difficult to trust their commitment to stay sober. Earlier broken promises to "stop using," and memories of other chemical-driven betrayals, may keep playing in your head. Innocent Until Proven Guilty Sadly, the risk of relapse is real: about half of...

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Relationships that Support Your Recovery

"Connectedness" – it’s a basic human desire. People need to feel connected to thrive in life. That connection can be to a family, a team, a group, a cause, a goal – it almost doesn’t matter who the connection is to, as long as it’s a healthy connection. And I’ve never seen a group that thrives on connectedness like those in recovery. Support groups provide accountability, share coping tips, and...

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Parents with Alcohol Addicted Children

Is there anything you can do when your adult child drinks too much? Parents who think their young adult children are problem drinkers are in a difficult place. First, they generally don’t want to believe their child has a serious problem. Secondly, by the time they realize they should reach out for help, most parents have already gone through many cycles of “crisis-rescue-new crisis” with their children. If the parents...

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