The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Rehab Facility in Georgia

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Are you or a loved one struggling with substance abuse? Separating a person from addiction brings physical, mental, and emotional turmoil. If getting rid of the addictive substance was the solution, sobriety would be easy. However, everything that happens to the body, physically and mentally, makes a recovery an uphill battle. Many teens made those decisions before they could understand the repercussions. But one crucial thing to remember is that it’s never too late to start a recovery. Choose the right rehab facility that provides the care someone needs to get better.

Look into the technicalities as well as the dynamic between staff and patients. Learn more about what to look for in a good quality recovery facility.

Your Goals

Addiction can sometimes feel like an unbreakable chain that will always have a hold on you. However, with the right tools, you have a fighting chance.

Start regaining control over your life by identifying your goals. This gives you an anchor to hold on to for the more challenging parts of recovery.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Treatment

Before choosing a facility, you need to understand what your goals are. Then, ask yourself where you’re starting. Is outpatient treatment or inpatient treatment more suitable for you?

Inpatient care or residential treatment involves staying in the rehab center. You will be here 24/7 for the duration of treatment.

With outpatient treatment, you visit the recovery facility and attend sessions that amount to several hours per week. These sessions can be online, offline, or a mix of both.

Outpatient treatment is the better option for those who can’t uproot themselves from their lives. You may have family or work obligations preventing you from receiving round-the-clock care.

However, inpatient treatment is more suitable for people with a more severe addiction. The immersive environment and comprehensive care foster an atmosphere more conducive to recovery. Consider your obligations and responsibilities and how they will fit into your new schedule.

Abstinence-Based Treatment vs. Harm Reduction

Rehab centers approach treatment as either abstinence or harm reduction. Abstinence pertains to staying clear of the substance. This idea holds the belief that once someone has an addiction and recovers from it, they can’t use the substance again.

On the other hand, harm reduction programs advocate for safe use. They believe that after treatment, the recovered addict can control their urges.

Abstinence-based treatments predicate that no amount is “safe” for people in recovery. Spirituality is often a cornerstone of this treatment plan.

Critiques include that its rigidity can lead to relapsing. However, for severe cases of addiction, a complete removal is ideal.

Harm reduction is more flexible than abstinence-based treatment. It operates on the philosophy of safer use while the person isn’t ready to commit to abstinence. Read more about their distinctions here and understand which program fits you.


Choosing where you want to proceed with your treatment will be pivotal to your success. Of course, any person in addiction recovery will feel apprehensive at first. However, being able to choose may help you adjust faster to the changes that will happen in your life.

The only problem now will be how to choose the right recovery facility.

1. License and Accreditation

The functions and obligations of a recovery facility are no small feat. Licensing and accreditation guarantee that they have the capacity to cater to patients’ needs.

If you or a loved one needs care, you want to ensure that the facility has the qualifications to administer it. Licensing and accreditation give you a sense that the facility holds itself accountable.

Exploring the rehab facility’s institutional affiliation is also a good idea. A well-established center with connections has a higher standard of care. Additionally, they may also have access to more resources and locations.

2. Staff and Environment

The way the staff interacts with patients is as important as their licenses. You can have physicians with robust educational backgrounds lacking compassion for patients.

Addiction is a disease. Some people are more predisposed to developing addiction given the same stimulus.

Physicians and healthcare professionals need to find a balance between firmness and empathy. Staff should educate themselves on the disorders and sensitive interactions with patients.

As an oversimplification, addiction is often tied to a lack of connection. Staff have to foster an environment where patients feel safe, valued, and empowered. Get a feel of the patient-staff atmosphere before you commit to a rehab facility.

A team of professionals should include:

  • Medical doctors specialized in addiction medicine
  • Nurses
  • Psychiatrists
  • Nutritionists
  • Physical therapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Counselors with experience tackling addiction issues
  • Therapists
  • Meditation instructors

The multidisciplinary approach guarantees a better recovery result. A good rehab center has specialists on its team to hone in on specific issues.

3. Treatment Success Rates

Look for a rehab facility with high success rates. Understand how they measure progress and use this information to improve their services.

4. Patient Rights

Before admitting into treatment, ensure they provide a document detailing your rights. Treatment centers are places of vulnerability. You have to make sure that you retain your right to health, safety, dignity, and privacy.

They must respect your cultural and spiritual preferences. The patient should have avenues to express concerns, disputes, and complaints. Furthermore, facilities should not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, sex, disability, or age.

5. Visitation Policy

Privacy and freedom are some valued attributes in treatment. However, patients may feel homesick and lonely even with their peers. Friends and family might also want to check on their loved one’s progress.

Some centers are stricter than others. Inquire about the rehab center’s visitation policy to see if it’s comfortable for you. Learn whether or not you can receive visitors, how often, and when they can come over.

6. Location and Amenities

Don’t forget to factor in location, especially when opting for outpatient treatment. For outpatient treatments, location matters less for online sessions. However, location plays a greater role in choosing on-site sessions where the patient has to drive or commute.

For inpatient care, the recovering patient must spend time immersed in the facility. The location’s proximity matters more when they first enter and exit the facility. It also matters when friends and family come to visit.

The quality of the location also impacts recovery. Survey the rehabilitation center to see if it fosters healing in the patient. Not only are you nurturing physical recovery from the effects of addiction, but mental healing as well.

Amenities include facilities and services within the premises. Do they have an equipped gym? Is the food delicious and nutritionally balanced?

Some facilities offer massage therapy, yoga, acupuncture, and chiropractic care. While they aren’t necessary, they may help accelerate the recovery process. Check out which rehab center grants you amenities that you consider non-negotiable.

Treatment Proper

Each patient undergoes a different journey to recovery. You want a helping hand that can guide you through each path.

1. Types of Therapy

There is no cookie-cutter definition of a cure for addiction. Therapy and support modalities have different formats, each with its corresponding strengths.

Group therapy can provide support and accountability structures. In recovery, patients tend to find solace and comfort in others who are also in recovery. Some facilities incorporate expressive arts therapy as an outlet.

Self-help groups often utilize programs such as SMART or the 12-step program. Some people prefer individual counseling to get into the nitty-gritty of their addiction.

2. Evidence-based Treatment

Treatment modalities take after evidence and working treatments. These treatments include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Cognitive processing therapy
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Prolonged exposure therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Accelerated resolution therapy

Addiction treatment is individually created. Patients are unique in regards to their circumstances and get treated as such. For the best results, the treatment team has to create a plan based on the patient’s physical, social, and emotional needs. 

3. Medical Detox

Detoxification from substance abuse is one of the most harrowing parts of recovery. Withdrawal symptoms are intense and can even be life-threatening.

Medication-assisted treatment and supervision are necessary to keep the patient stable. The goal is that patients can recover as safely and comfortably as possible.

4. Treatment Programs for Concurrent Disorders

You may have concurrent disorders, which can amplify the effects of your addiction. Some patients have accompanying conditions such as schizophrenia or anxiety. Others may have alcoholism aside from their drug addiction.

The question stands like the chicken and the egg question. “Did the mental illness cause the addiction, or did the addiction cause the mental illness.” Each case is different, but it’s more productive to consider them as separate entities interacting with each other.

Everything considered, treating one often necessitates treating other accompanying conditions. Some facilities may have more experience tackling other disorders. This can range from things like sex addiction to gambling.

Know your starting point, or explore it with a medical professional.

5. Duration of Treatment

Knowing the duration of your treatment program is a must. Some treatments last weeks or months, but extended programs offer better results.

They aren’t as rushed, and healthcare teams have more time to build healthy habits to replace old ones. Giving patients more time to recover yields better results.

However, not everyone has the luxury of time. Check out available programs to see which one best fits your situation.

6. Relapse During Treatment

Relapse is a common part of treatment. In inpatient care, relapsed patients are a detriment to themselves. In a setting involving other residential patients, they may serve as a liability to others.

It’s the prerogative of the facility to discharge or continue patient treatment during a relapse. They do this while also taking into account the safety of fellow residents. Inquire about their policies on relapse and how you can find support.

7. Treatment Extensions

Treatment is holistic. Reintegrating back into society as a sober person after addiction can feel confusing. A lot of addicts, during their time of suffering, tend to neglect themselves.

Comprehensive treatment includes nurturing, essential self-care, and life skills. This reduces the challenges the patient has to overcome when reintegrating into society. These skills may consist of hygiene and other daily tasks like cooking.

In treatment, patients also learn to value their physical wellness. They develop better eating habits, physical activity, and sleep habits to improve their quality of life.

Post-Recovery Plans

For some, sobriety is a life-long battle. Addiction recovery is seldom a one-way train; you may find yourself back to day one after a week or even a year. This is why post-recovery plans matter.

1. Aftercare Programs

One of the goals of successful and long-term recovery is getting clean. After that, it’s about staying clean.

Staying clean in a controlled environment like inpatient care is easier when you don’t have access to your trigger substance. Things are different when you get released back into society.

A good rehabilitation center includes post-rehab programs to prevent you from relapsing. Every day counts and builds your sobriety. The hardest part is over, and now you’re left to continue the hard work you’ve done on yourself.

A good rehab facility provides you with relapse-prevention skills and recovery planning. These skills help you ease back into society and maintain your habits.

Carrying progress from the rehab center into your life is tough. Severe cases of addiction usually benefit from the complete removal of the substance to avoid spiraling back. Check out how the rehab center approaches post-recovery and what resources they provide.

2. Family Counseling

Family plays a significant role during recovery. Visits can be therapeutic and humanizing for the recovering addict. Additionally, the family also helps keep the patient in check post-recovery.

Family bonds tend to feel strained due to addiction, and there might be underlying pain. Mending familial bonds may benefit the patient, especially if the family is a source of stress.

A quality rehab center includes family counseling. They educate family members and show them how they can participate in the recovery process.

Find the Best Rehab Facility Near You Today

Rehab is a huge step towards regaining control of your life and happiness. Find a rehab facility that fits all your needs to give you the best chance at fighting addiction and staying clean. Check out the treatment modalities they use during rehabilitation and their extensions into recovery.

The first step is never easy, but that’s where we come in. Go clean and stay clean by contacting us today. It’s never too late or too early to start.